In accordance with the provisions of Bylaw VI Part IV Sections 4. 1 - 4. 14 of the Manitoba Teachers' Society's Constitution, Bylaws and Policies, the Manitoba Social Sciences Teachers' Association is permitted to formulate this Constitution.
The name of the Association shall be "The Manitoba Social Sciences Teachers' Association. " (herein also known as M. S. S. T.A. or MSSTA) The Manitoba Social Sciences Teachers' Association shall exist as a Special Area Group of Educators (SAGE) in affiliation with the Society (herein also known as "MTS"). No terms in this Constitution may run counter to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies of the Society.
The objectives of MSSTA shall be:
To promote and advance the teaching of the Social Sciences in the province of Manitoba.
To disseminate information about current Social Science developments.
To further in-service training that promotes high standards of professional practice for
teachers of the Social Sciences at both the provincial and regional levels.
To protect the identity of individual disciplines within the Social Sciences, to advocate for
these disciplines, and to encourage the development of individual disciplines.
To furnish recommendations, advice, and human resources to the Provincial Executive and
appropriate bodies of the Society for matters affecting the teachers of the Social Sciences.
To encourage the involvement of various regions of Manitoba with MSSTA.
To network with other regional and national organizations promoting the social sciences in
Membership in MSSTA is open to those who hold in common the above objectives, namely:
Any present or former teacher in any public or private school, university or college within the province of Manitoba.
Any member of the Manitoba Education and Training with special interest in the Social Sciences.
Any student at a college or university in the province of Manitoba enrolled in a Faculty of Education.
Any student at a college or university in the province of Manitoba enrolled in a Social Sciences Faculty.
Other persons interested in Social Sciences.
Membership shall come under one of the following categories of membership;
a. Regular Membership - teachers who are actively engaged in teaching within Manitoba and are interested in Social Sciences;
b. Associate Membership - retired teachers, students in a post-secondary program or other interested persons;
c. Student Membership - teacher candidates enrolled in a Faculty of Education in Manitoba;
d. Honorary Life Membership - individuals recognized for outstanding contributions to the field of Social Sciences and/or the Association in Manitoba.
All Regular members have the right to attend all General and Executive Meetings of the Association, to exercise full voting privileges at General Meetings, to hold elected office, and to receive all publications of the Association.
All Associate, Student and Honorary Life members have the right to attend all General and Executive Meetings of the Association, to exercise full voting privileges and to receive all publications of the Association.
Membership in the Association shall conform to the fiscal year as defined in Article 9. 01.
Membership fees must embody the idea of covering costs deemed necessary to provide programs and services to the members. Membership fees shall be set yearly and are subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.
A minimum of sixty percent (60%) of the members of MSSTA must be Active Members of the Society as per MTS Bylaw I Part III Section 3. 6.
Membership shall be voluntary.
The Association will convene its Annual General Meeting in October during the annual MTS PD Day commencing in 2018:
(a) To hear reports from the Executive or from any committee or committees;
(b) To provide a forum for the views of individual members;
(c) To make recommendations to the Executive;
(d) To elect the Executive.
General Meetings shall be open to all members of the Association.
The President or the Secretary shall call for a General Meeting if instructed to do so by:
(a) The Executive;
(b) Any member of MSSTA who is supported by the signatures of 10% of the members of MSSTA.
To call a General Meeting, the President or Secretary shall give seven (7) days written notice specifying the purpose of the meeting. An emergency meeting may be called on 24 hours' notice to deal with an urgent specific matter. Such a meeting shall deal with
the emergency matter only.
To conduct business, the quorum at the General Meeting shall be 20% of the members of MSSTA. If the General Meeting has been called for the dissemination of information, no quorum is required.
The Executive shall consist of:
(a) Elected officers, which includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President and;
(b) Elected Members-At-Large, who may serve as chairpersons of standing or other committees or fulfill positions and/or duties as are determined by the Constitution or the Executive.
Other positions on the Executive traditionally filled by members-at-large may include:
(a) The Special Area Groups of Educators (SAGE) Council representative, who must be a member of The Society, and who is responsible for attending all SAGE Council meetings;
(b) The Professional Development (PD) Chairperson who is responsible for MSSTA's MTS PD Day and other PD activities;
(c) The MSSTA MTS PD Day registrar;
(d) The Editor of the MSSTA Journal;
(e) The Archivist who is responsible for maintaining accurate records of Journals published through/with MSSTA involvement, past meeting agendas and minutes, as well as previous and current Constitutions;
(f) The website and social media coordinator(s);
(g) The representatives(s) from Manitoba Education and Training, particularly Social Studies consultants when available;
(h) Representative(s) from early, middle, and senior years;
(i) University representatives from any Social Sciences based faculty or Education faculty within Manitoba willing to submit a representative;
(j) Representatives from other interested areas as the President and/or the Executive deem necessary.
Wherever possible, equitable representation on the Executive from appropriate areas of the Social Sciences disciplines shall be a priority.
Powers and Duties of the Executive:
(a) To administer the day-to-day affairs of MS STA,
(b) To establish ad hoc or special committees and appoint members to said committees;
(c) To supervise the activities of committees;
(d) To appoint a member to fill a vacancy occurring in any of the elected positions during a term of office until the next Annual General Meeting;
(e) To delegate any of its powers to any one or more of its members as may be deemed practical or advisable from time to time;
(f) To keep. familiar with the policies of MTS that may affect MSSTA.
(a) The Executive shall meet at least monthly during the school year;
(b) The President shall call meetings of the Executive and may call emergency meetings at any time;
(c) Any five (5) members of the Executive may call a meeting and the secretary shall send notices of said meeting;
(d) Regular Executive meetings shall have at least five (5) days notice.
The quorum for an Executive meeting shall be fifty (50%) of the elected Executive members.
The Executive Member who misses two (2) consecutive meetings without just cause may be removed from office by a majority vote at a properly called Executive meeting. The Executive Member will be notified of the decision.
The Rules of Order for Executive or General Meetings shall generally be those set out by Robert's Rules of Order.
Officers of MSSTA shall be the Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer (Secretary and Treasurer positions may be held by one person simultaneously).
Duties of Officers
(a) President
i. Shall call all Executive meetings and preside as Chairperson at Executive and General Meetings;
ii. Shall be responsible for and prepare the agenda for all Executive Meetings and General Meetings, and shall distribute agendas and minutes of previous meetings to Executive Members;
iii. Shall send notices to members of all regular and special meetings;
iv. Shall perform all duties as customarily delegated upon a President;
v. Shall co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the President;
vi. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees;
vii. Shall do such other duties as directed by the Executive.
(b) Immediate Past President
i. Shall assist the President and act as a resource person to the Executive;
ii. Shall perform duties as designated by the Executive;
iii. Shall be responsible for presenting a slate of candidates for election to the Executive, to the membership at the Annual General Meeting and act as Chief Electoral Officer;
iv. Shall have the ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the Immediate Past President.
(c) Vice President
i. Shall take charge of the affairs during the absence of the President or when requested to do so by the President;
ii, Shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Executive.
iii. Shall have ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the Vice President's name.
(d) Secretary
i. Shall keep an accurate record of all the proceedings of MSSTA, including meeting minutes;
ii. Shall bring before the Executive all official notes and communications, or keep record of all official notes and communications of other Executive Members;
iii. Shall make and send to the Society such reports and statements as may be needed at any time;
iv. Shall provide minutes of all meetings to President for dissemination to Executive Members;
v. Shall keep a record of attendance at all meetings of the Executive;
vi. Shall sign Executive/General meeting minutes;
vii. Shall have ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the
(e) Treasurer
i. Shall be custodian of all funds of MSSTA and shall keep such funds in such financial institution as the Executive may decide subject to approval of the Annual General Meeting;
ii. Shall be prepared to give a full financial statement at any meeting;
iii. Shall prepare a tentative budget for presentation to the Annual General Meeting and to be submitted for approval at the first meeting of the Executive following that Annual General Meeting;
iv. Shall ensure that an audit or review of the fiscal year's receipts, investments, and expenditures be prepared in advance of the Annual General Meeting by an accountant, other than Executive members, appointed by the Executive and approved by the previous Annual General Meeting of the members. A resulting annual report must be provided to the Annual General Meeting on receipts,
investments, and expenditures. Such a report shall align to MSSTA's fiscal year;
v. Shall have ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the Treasurer.
8. 01
The Past President shall present to all members a slate of candidates, along with a biography and/or statement of interest from each nominee for election as Executive Members to the membership at the Annual General Meeting,
8. 02
Further nominations for election to Executive positions will be accepted from the floor of the Annual General Meeting.
8. 03
The Past President shall prepare, if necessary, a ballot with the names of all candidates for each of the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large. The instructions accompanying the ballot shall instruct voters of the correct voting procedure
8. 04
Those present at the Annual General Meeting who hold a current MSSTA membership shall be eligible to vote.
The Executive Members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of MSSTA by secret ballot. However, if the number of candidates nominated for a position is the same as the number of positions to be filled, no vote shall be conducted and the Chief Returning Officer shall declare the candidates elected.
8. 06
Newly elected Executive Members will take office at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
If a vacancy occurs in the position of Past President, the Executive may choose another Past President to fulfill the duties as assigned.
The fiscal year shall run from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.
The Executive shall have the power to levy fees and make expenditures.
The reserve fund of MSSTA shall be kept in a recognized financial institution agreed upon by the Executive and joint access must be provided to the Officers.
The reserve fund of MSSTA will be governed by a set of Bylaws which outline purposes, amount, disbursements, and other such administration of the fund.
Prior to making representations to Outside Bodies, any SAGE member acting on behalf of a SAGE shall seek the approval of the Provincial Executive or the President of the Society. Provided that the submission or presentation does not contradict the Constitution, Bylaws or Policies or adversely affect the welfare of the Society, the group may then, in cooperation with the Society, make the submission or presentation to Outside Bodies. A submission or presentation is considered to be a formal communication purporting to represent teachers' views with respect to educational issues.
Publications are a privilege of membership. Subscription to any MSSTA publications may be offered to all interested bodies or individuals.
Copies of the Constitution shall be provided at the Annual General Meeting to all incoming members of the Executive, and be posted on the website once ratified.
The following rules shall apply to maintain the continuing affiliation between the Society and SAGE.
(a) MSSTA shall submit a report of its activities to SAGE Council. Receipt of the report shall be in accordance with the deadlines determined by the Provincial Executive;
(b) MSSTA shall submit its membership lists to the General Secretary annually or upon request. The membership list shall include, but not be limited to, names, addresses, Society membership category and if applicable, school division employers. Receipt of the membership lists shall be in accordance with deadlines determined by the Provincial Executive;
(c) Within four (4) weeks of its elections the SAGE shall submit a list of its Officers and Executive to the General Secretary;
(d) MSSTA shall submit a copy of its independent financial audit or review to the General Secretary by November 30 annually;
(e) MSSTA shall formally review its Constitution at least every five years and changes to the SAGE Constitution shall be operative only after approval by the Provincial Executive;
(f) MSSTA shall not make membership of the Group a prerequisite for attendance at its major conferences.
The Constitution of MS STA shall be amended by the following procedure:
Any member may submit an amendment to the Constitution to the secretary of MS STA.
The membership shall be notified of the amendment(s) thirty (30) calendar days prior to the vote on the amendment(s).
The vote on the amendment(s) shall be held during the Annual General Meeting of MSSTA.
The amendment(s) or any modification(s) thereof, shall require a two-thirds majority of members present at the meeting.
The amendment(s) become(s) effective on the date the Provincial Executive of the Society approves said amendment(s).
MSSTA may make Bylaws which shall be ratified by MSSTA and approved by the Provincial Executive in accordance with the provisions for the amendment of the Constitution. Such Bylaws shall be deemed to be part of this Constitution and shall be attached to this Constitution.
MSSTA shall cease activity if an Executive has not been formed for two (2) successive years, or when a minimum membership of 20 people has not been maintained for two (2) successive years.
Assets, after payment of debts and liabilities, shall be turned over to a recognized nonprofit organization operating in Manitoba whose objectives most closely accord with those of MSSTA outlined in Article 2.
Approved by Provincial Executive on September 13, 2017.
The name of the Association shall be "The Manitoba Social Sciences Teachers' Association. " (herein also known as M. S. S. T.A. or MSSTA) The Manitoba Social Sciences Teachers' Association shall exist as a Special Area Group of Educators (SAGE) in affiliation with the Society (herein also known as "MTS"). No terms in this Constitution may run counter to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies of the Society.
The objectives of MSSTA shall be:
To promote and advance the teaching of the Social Sciences in the province of Manitoba.
To disseminate information about current Social Science developments.
To further in-service training that promotes high standards of professional practice for
teachers of the Social Sciences at both the provincial and regional levels.
To protect the identity of individual disciplines within the Social Sciences, to advocate for
these disciplines, and to encourage the development of individual disciplines.
To furnish recommendations, advice, and human resources to the Provincial Executive and
appropriate bodies of the Society for matters affecting the teachers of the Social Sciences.
To encourage the involvement of various regions of Manitoba with MSSTA.
To network with other regional and national organizations promoting the social sciences in
Membership in MSSTA is open to those who hold in common the above objectives, namely:
Any present or former teacher in any public or private school, university or college within the province of Manitoba.
Any member of the Manitoba Education and Training with special interest in the Social Sciences.
Any student at a college or university in the province of Manitoba enrolled in a Faculty of Education.
Any student at a college or university in the province of Manitoba enrolled in a Social Sciences Faculty.
Other persons interested in Social Sciences.
Membership shall come under one of the following categories of membership;
a. Regular Membership - teachers who are actively engaged in teaching within Manitoba and are interested in Social Sciences;
b. Associate Membership - retired teachers, students in a post-secondary program or other interested persons;
c. Student Membership - teacher candidates enrolled in a Faculty of Education in Manitoba;
d. Honorary Life Membership - individuals recognized for outstanding contributions to the field of Social Sciences and/or the Association in Manitoba.
All Regular members have the right to attend all General and Executive Meetings of the Association, to exercise full voting privileges at General Meetings, to hold elected office, and to receive all publications of the Association.
All Associate, Student and Honorary Life members have the right to attend all General and Executive Meetings of the Association, to exercise full voting privileges and to receive all publications of the Association.
Membership in the Association shall conform to the fiscal year as defined in Article 9. 01.
Membership fees must embody the idea of covering costs deemed necessary to provide programs and services to the members. Membership fees shall be set yearly and are subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.
A minimum of sixty percent (60%) of the members of MSSTA must be Active Members of the Society as per MTS Bylaw I Part III Section 3. 6.
Membership shall be voluntary.
The Association will convene its Annual General Meeting in October during the annual MTS PD Day commencing in 2018:
(a) To hear reports from the Executive or from any committee or committees;
(b) To provide a forum for the views of individual members;
(c) To make recommendations to the Executive;
(d) To elect the Executive.
General Meetings shall be open to all members of the Association.
The President or the Secretary shall call for a General Meeting if instructed to do so by:
(a) The Executive;
(b) Any member of MSSTA who is supported by the signatures of 10% of the members of MSSTA.
To call a General Meeting, the President or Secretary shall give seven (7) days written notice specifying the purpose of the meeting. An emergency meeting may be called on 24 hours' notice to deal with an urgent specific matter. Such a meeting shall deal with
the emergency matter only.
To conduct business, the quorum at the General Meeting shall be 20% of the members of MSSTA. If the General Meeting has been called for the dissemination of information, no quorum is required.
The Executive shall consist of:
(a) Elected officers, which includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President and;
(b) Elected Members-At-Large, who may serve as chairpersons of standing or other committees or fulfill positions and/or duties as are determined by the Constitution or the Executive.
Other positions on the Executive traditionally filled by members-at-large may include:
(a) The Special Area Groups of Educators (SAGE) Council representative, who must be a member of The Society, and who is responsible for attending all SAGE Council meetings;
(b) The Professional Development (PD) Chairperson who is responsible for MSSTA's MTS PD Day and other PD activities;
(c) The MSSTA MTS PD Day registrar;
(d) The Editor of the MSSTA Journal;
(e) The Archivist who is responsible for maintaining accurate records of Journals published through/with MSSTA involvement, past meeting agendas and minutes, as well as previous and current Constitutions;
(f) The website and social media coordinator(s);
(g) The representatives(s) from Manitoba Education and Training, particularly Social Studies consultants when available;
(h) Representative(s) from early, middle, and senior years;
(i) University representatives from any Social Sciences based faculty or Education faculty within Manitoba willing to submit a representative;
(j) Representatives from other interested areas as the President and/or the Executive deem necessary.
Wherever possible, equitable representation on the Executive from appropriate areas of the Social Sciences disciplines shall be a priority.
Powers and Duties of the Executive:
(a) To administer the day-to-day affairs of MS STA,
(b) To establish ad hoc or special committees and appoint members to said committees;
(c) To supervise the activities of committees;
(d) To appoint a member to fill a vacancy occurring in any of the elected positions during a term of office until the next Annual General Meeting;
(e) To delegate any of its powers to any one or more of its members as may be deemed practical or advisable from time to time;
(f) To keep. familiar with the policies of MTS that may affect MSSTA.
(a) The Executive shall meet at least monthly during the school year;
(b) The President shall call meetings of the Executive and may call emergency meetings at any time;
(c) Any five (5) members of the Executive may call a meeting and the secretary shall send notices of said meeting;
(d) Regular Executive meetings shall have at least five (5) days notice.
The quorum for an Executive meeting shall be fifty (50%) of the elected Executive members.
The Executive Member who misses two (2) consecutive meetings without just cause may be removed from office by a majority vote at a properly called Executive meeting. The Executive Member will be notified of the decision.
The Rules of Order for Executive or General Meetings shall generally be those set out by Robert's Rules of Order.
Officers of MSSTA shall be the Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer (Secretary and Treasurer positions may be held by one person simultaneously).
Duties of Officers
(a) President
i. Shall call all Executive meetings and preside as Chairperson at Executive and General Meetings;
ii. Shall be responsible for and prepare the agenda for all Executive Meetings and General Meetings, and shall distribute agendas and minutes of previous meetings to Executive Members;
iii. Shall send notices to members of all regular and special meetings;
iv. Shall perform all duties as customarily delegated upon a President;
v. Shall co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the President;
vi. Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees;
vii. Shall do such other duties as directed by the Executive.
(b) Immediate Past President
i. Shall assist the President and act as a resource person to the Executive;
ii. Shall perform duties as designated by the Executive;
iii. Shall be responsible for presenting a slate of candidates for election to the Executive, to the membership at the Annual General Meeting and act as Chief Electoral Officer;
iv. Shall have the ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the Immediate Past President.
(c) Vice President
i. Shall take charge of the affairs during the absence of the President or when requested to do so by the President;
ii, Shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Executive.
iii. Shall have ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the Vice President's name.
(d) Secretary
i. Shall keep an accurate record of all the proceedings of MSSTA, including meeting minutes;
ii. Shall bring before the Executive all official notes and communications, or keep record of all official notes and communications of other Executive Members;
iii. Shall make and send to the Society such reports and statements as may be needed at any time;
iv. Shall provide minutes of all meetings to President for dissemination to Executive Members;
v. Shall keep a record of attendance at all meetings of the Executive;
vi. Shall sign Executive/General meeting minutes;
vii. Shall have ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the
(e) Treasurer
i. Shall be custodian of all funds of MSSTA and shall keep such funds in such financial institution as the Executive may decide subject to approval of the Annual General Meeting;
ii. Shall be prepared to give a full financial statement at any meeting;
iii. Shall prepare a tentative budget for presentation to the Annual General Meeting and to be submitted for approval at the first meeting of the Executive following that Annual General Meeting;
iv. Shall ensure that an audit or review of the fiscal year's receipts, investments, and expenditures be prepared in advance of the Annual General Meeting by an accountant, other than Executive members, appointed by the Executive and approved by the previous Annual General Meeting of the members. A resulting annual report must be provided to the Annual General Meeting on receipts,
investments, and expenditures. Such a report shall align to MSSTA's fiscal year;
v. Shall have ability to co-sign all cheques with exception of cheques written to the Treasurer.
8. 01
The Past President shall present to all members a slate of candidates, along with a biography and/or statement of interest from each nominee for election as Executive Members to the membership at the Annual General Meeting,
8. 02
Further nominations for election to Executive positions will be accepted from the floor of the Annual General Meeting.
8. 03
The Past President shall prepare, if necessary, a ballot with the names of all candidates for each of the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large. The instructions accompanying the ballot shall instruct voters of the correct voting procedure
8. 04
Those present at the Annual General Meeting who hold a current MSSTA membership shall be eligible to vote.
The Executive Members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of MSSTA by secret ballot. However, if the number of candidates nominated for a position is the same as the number of positions to be filled, no vote shall be conducted and the Chief Returning Officer shall declare the candidates elected.
8. 06
Newly elected Executive Members will take office at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
If a vacancy occurs in the position of Past President, the Executive may choose another Past President to fulfill the duties as assigned.
The fiscal year shall run from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.
The Executive shall have the power to levy fees and make expenditures.
The reserve fund of MSSTA shall be kept in a recognized financial institution agreed upon by the Executive and joint access must be provided to the Officers.
The reserve fund of MSSTA will be governed by a set of Bylaws which outline purposes, amount, disbursements, and other such administration of the fund.
Prior to making representations to Outside Bodies, any SAGE member acting on behalf of a SAGE shall seek the approval of the Provincial Executive or the President of the Society. Provided that the submission or presentation does not contradict the Constitution, Bylaws or Policies or adversely affect the welfare of the Society, the group may then, in cooperation with the Society, make the submission or presentation to Outside Bodies. A submission or presentation is considered to be a formal communication purporting to represent teachers' views with respect to educational issues.
Publications are a privilege of membership. Subscription to any MSSTA publications may be offered to all interested bodies or individuals.
Copies of the Constitution shall be provided at the Annual General Meeting to all incoming members of the Executive, and be posted on the website once ratified.
The following rules shall apply to maintain the continuing affiliation between the Society and SAGE.
(a) MSSTA shall submit a report of its activities to SAGE Council. Receipt of the report shall be in accordance with the deadlines determined by the Provincial Executive;
(b) MSSTA shall submit its membership lists to the General Secretary annually or upon request. The membership list shall include, but not be limited to, names, addresses, Society membership category and if applicable, school division employers. Receipt of the membership lists shall be in accordance with deadlines determined by the Provincial Executive;
(c) Within four (4) weeks of its elections the SAGE shall submit a list of its Officers and Executive to the General Secretary;
(d) MSSTA shall submit a copy of its independent financial audit or review to the General Secretary by November 30 annually;
(e) MSSTA shall formally review its Constitution at least every five years and changes to the SAGE Constitution shall be operative only after approval by the Provincial Executive;
(f) MSSTA shall not make membership of the Group a prerequisite for attendance at its major conferences.
The Constitution of MS STA shall be amended by the following procedure:
Any member may submit an amendment to the Constitution to the secretary of MS STA.
The membership shall be notified of the amendment(s) thirty (30) calendar days prior to the vote on the amendment(s).
The vote on the amendment(s) shall be held during the Annual General Meeting of MSSTA.
The amendment(s) or any modification(s) thereof, shall require a two-thirds majority of members present at the meeting.
The amendment(s) become(s) effective on the date the Provincial Executive of the Society approves said amendment(s).
MSSTA may make Bylaws which shall be ratified by MSSTA and approved by the Provincial Executive in accordance with the provisions for the amendment of the Constitution. Such Bylaws shall be deemed to be part of this Constitution and shall be attached to this Constitution.
MSSTA shall cease activity if an Executive has not been formed for two (2) successive years, or when a minimum membership of 20 people has not been maintained for two (2) successive years.
Assets, after payment of debts and liabilities, shall be turned over to a recognized nonprofit organization operating in Manitoba whose objectives most closely accord with those of MSSTA outlined in Article 2.
Approved by Provincial Executive on September 13, 2017.